1. Integrations
  2. Send email using AWS SES


Send email using AWS SES

Learn how to send an email using Svelte Email and the AWS SES Node.js SDK.

1. Install dependencies

        npm install svelte-email aws-sdk

        pnpm add svelte-email aws-sdk


2. Create an email using Svelte

Start by building your email template in a .svelte file. For example, let's create a simple email template called Hello.svelte:

	import { Button, Hr, Html, Text } from 'svelte-email';

	export let name = 'World';

<Html lang="en">
		Hello, {name}!
	<Hr />
	<Button href="https://svelte.dev">Visit Svelte</Button>


3. Convert to HTML and send email

Next, create a server route that will convert the Svelte template to HTML and send the email using the AWS SES Node.js SDK.

        import { render } from 'svelte-email';
import Hello from '$lib/emails/Hello.svelte';
import AWS from 'aws-sdk';

AWS.config.update({ region: process.env.AWS_SES_REGION });

const emailHtml = render({
	component: Hello,
	props: {
		name: 'Svelte'

const options = {
	Source: 'you@example.com',
	Destination: {
		ToAddresses: ['user@gmail.com']
	Message: {
		Body: {
			Html: {
				Charset: 'UTF-8',
				Data: emailHtml
		Subject: {
			Charset: 'UTF-8',
			Data: 'hello world'

const sendPromise = new AWS.SES({ apiVersion: '2010-12-01' }).sendEmail(options).promise();